
  • 例如「小孩出門買六個蘋果,回家只剩二個蘋果,他在回家途中都了幾個蘋果?」這個問題可以有幾個答案:「沒有」,「三個」,六個,兩個,怎麼說呢??
  • 沒有,因為蘋果是被偷了
  • 三個,因為他沿途吃了一個,
  • 兩個,因為小孩以半價購得這個蘋果,
  • 就從邏輯角度,可以接受的答案是「四個」,但這也是考慮最欠周詳,也因此是最差勁的答案。
  • 只有在引入其他現實層面「如獲得半價折扣的事實」,或透過提問「蘋果是丟了,吃了,還是被偷了?」或透過其他詮釋,我們才能超越原始主張,獲致見解,如果緊抱現實,逐字逐句解讀,我們不可能有如此理解力。
  • 在人生崎嶇的旅程中,我們永遠必須超越現實,進行詮釋,以便對周遭世界有更好的瞭解,更佳的因應。
  • 別把顯而易見的當作真實的全部,而是看作「真實」的一部份而已。

The book focuses on four levels of solving a problem:

  1. On the level of Information, we approach problems literally, in response to the obvious and the concrete.
  2. On the level of Understanding, we obtain concealed information through techniques such as questioning, reframing, and emptying the mind.
  3. On the level of Wisdom, we access the world of intuition, where a "fool" can achieve the impossible by relying on feelings, premonitions, dreams, and coincidences.
  4. On the level of Reverence, we discover the hidden Reality behind appearances. This is the realm of those who dare to take risks, make commitments, and learn from mistakes, who act out of their living experience without relying solely on reason and conceptual thinking.

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